United with Israel

WATCH: Child in Gaza Pledges to Become Martyr for Hamas

boy in Gaza

A boy in a refugee camp in Gaza says he is willing to be a martyr for Hamas (Photo: Screenshot)

It’s well known that Hamas educates the children to hate Jews and to rejoice when Israelis are attacked.

In this video put out by the “Palestinian Center for Information” on December 26, 2023, a young boy is clearly repeating Hamas talking points.

Speaking from a refugee camp in Gaza, he expresses his determination to fight against “The Occupation” and concludes, “I’m not afraid. I want to die as a martyr, that’s fine. We salute the resistance in Palestine.”

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Rockets are falling. Sirens blare, with seconds to run for cover. IDF soldiers risk their lives battling terrorists inside Gaza. Thousands forced to abandon their homes in southern Israel.

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