United with Israel

WATCH: Hamas Cleric Says Quran Requires Extermination of Jews and Destruction of Israel

Hamas Cleric Abu 'Ita

Hamas Cleric Abu 'Ita (Screengrab/MEMRI)

A Hamas cleric declared that the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people will “bring blessing to world.”

President Barack Obama once famously said, “[P]eople have been drawn to Islam’s message of peace. And the very word itself, Islam, comes from salam — peace,” adding that “the overwhelming majority of the world’s Muslims embrace Islam as a source of peace.”

There are practicing Muslims, however, such as Hamas cleric Muhsen Abu ‘Ita, who have a very different take on the religion.

In this public speech, Abu ‘Ita claims that the “Meccan parts” of the Quran have a very unpeaceful attitude towards Jews and even toward the modern State of Israel, both of whom, he claims, are preventing the world from enjoying the blessings of the future “worldwide” Caliphate.

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