United with Israel

WATCH: Proud to be Israel

Naftali Bennett in disguise.

Naftali Bennett, Israeli Minister of the Economy, posted an election campaign video proclaiming that Israel’s time for apologizing is over. Israel has the right to exist! 

Minister Naftali Bennett has been an outspoken warrior for Israel, confronting biased reporters and government representatives with the truth about Israel. When rabbis were slaughtered in Jerusalem while praying in their synagogue, Bennett went on the BBC News to defend Israel. He showed the images of the slain rabbis, prompting the reporter to complain, even though they had been showing pictures of children they believed to be slain in Gaza. Bennett boldly stated that he would never stop showing the pictures. The world must know the truth about what Israel faces and about who Israel is.

This video appears to be comedic in nature, but the message is actually a very serious one. Israel’s time for apologizing is over. It’s time to be proud of this land and our many significant accomplishments. It’s time to be proud to be Israel.

It should be noted that United with Israel does not endorse any politicians.

Sign the Declaration to Keep Jerusalem United

Jerusalem Must Remain the United Capital of Israel

I declare that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish People and support all efforts to maintain and strengthen a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.


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