United with Israel

WATCH: Senior Muslim Scholar Admits Jews Developed the Land of Israel

A senior Muslim scholar has criticized his own people, inadvertently giving the Jewish people some serious praise for developing the land of Israel. 

In this video, a senior Muslim scholar criticizes his own people for their failure to develop the land of Israel. Under Jewish sovereignty, Israel has become a lush, green land filled with life and activity. In fact, Israel has become known for incredible innovations and technological breakthroughs.

While the video was probably not intended to praise the Jewish people, it does just that.

(Video: Nir Chen

Recognizing the State of Israel

There has been a Jewish presence in the land of Israel since the Jewish nation was created over 4000 years ago. Even in the harshest, extreme conditions, Jews have clung to the land to maintain a claim and show a desire for the land believed to be promised to them by God in the Torah. History and archaeology attest to this fact, such as the many incredible findings located by digging throughout the land. Unfortunately, despite the growing number of proofs, the media does not present the truth behind the claim to Israel. We urge you to sign our Jerusalem Declaration, to attest to the fact that Israel and Jerusalem belong to the Jewish people.

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