United with Israel

WATCH: While Arab Terrorists Stab Jews, Israeli Doctors are Saving Palestinian Babies

Israeli and Arab-Israeli Doctors Fight to Save Arab Palestinian Babies


While Arab terrorists are stabbing, running over and shooting Israeli civilians, this Israeli hospital is busy saving Arab babies, employs Arab doctors and demonstrates that there is no such thing as “apartheid” in Israel. 

This is exactly the kind of video you will not see on CNN, BBC, MSNBC and many other mainstream news outlets.

“Heart for Peace”, a non-political mixed team of Israeli and Palestinian cardiologists has saved the lives of over 610 Palestinian children since 2005.

The truth is that this is but one of many things Israel does for the Arab population, both saving and improving lives.

Since the mainstream media won’t report on this, it’s up to us to get the video out to the public.

While Arabs stab Israeli civilians, a Jewish hospital saves Arab babies

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