Stop Iran Rally

Opponents of the nuclear deal at the Stop Iran Rally in July, 2015. (AP/Frank Franklin II)

American citizens including many United with Israel supporters will be rallying in the streets of New York on Sept 1 with a resoundingly clear message to our elected officials: Listen to the people and stop the Iran deal!

The protest will take place at New York City’s 3rd Ave and 49th St. in front of the offices of Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand, this coming Tuesday, September 1, between 5:30-7:30 pm.

Senator Lindsey Graham and former Senator Joe Lieberman will join many other politicians and leaders who will rally hard to stop the Iran deal.

We will be sending a strong message to Senator Gillibrand, who supports this deal: do your job! Listen to the people! We will send the message in a strong and resounding way so that every politician around the nation hears our call and knows that we will not remain silent as our future is being sold out. Politicians who sell away the future of America and the world will not be forgotten.

We will also be thanking Senator Schumer – and all those who take his lead and oppose this deal – for choosing people over politics, security over sleath, and truth over treason.
Recent reports by Associated Press confirm that the emperor is naked; Iran will be conducting its own inspections of its nuclear and military sites. The report was then confirmed by the White House, which said that indeed it is “comfortable” with Iran inspecting itself.

United with Israel is an important sponsor of this event and, with the success of the last rally against the Iran nuclear deal in New York City, we encourage as many of our supporters as possible to attend this one as well.
Come join us in taking this to the streets! Tell Senator Gillibrand and any other politician who is considering voting for this deal: just say no! Do not sell out our collective future to the radical Islamic Republic of Iran! Do not allow for the dangerous marriage between radical Islam and nuclear weapons! Keep America and its allies safe!


Sign the Petition to Stop a Nuclear Iran

The US Congress must ensure that sanctions against Iran remain in force until the nuclear threat is completely eliminated.

I strongly oppose easing sanctions before the nuclear threat from Iran has been eliminated. Allowing Iran to enrich uranium without being subject to 'anytime, anywhere' inspections is extremely dangerous and unacceptable. Iran's nuclear program must be stopped.

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