(World Likud)
danny danon

“This resolution is further proof of the important contributions that Israel makes to the world as a leader in innovation and entrepreneurship,” said Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon.

The United Nations (UN) approved an Israeli-sponsored resolution focusing on international innovation and development. The resolution, entitled “Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development,” passed with 123 countries supporting it, 30 countries opposing, and eight abstaining.

After months of diplomatic efforts, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon succeeded in passing the resolution by working together with many countries and despite the fierce opposition from the Arab bloc to all Israeli resolutions. The Arab member-states opposed this resolution as well, despite the fact that many elements of the decision will positively influence countries around the world, including many countries in the Middle East.

“This resolution is further proof of the important contributions that Israel makes to the world as a leader in innovation and entrepreneurship,” said Danon. “The hypocritical opposition by the Arab bloc did not succeed. Every day, more and more countries are showing interest in Israel’s success. We are proud to cooperate with countries around the world and to share knowledge and know-how as we work together to build a better world.”

The resolution focuses on key ways in which UN member states, and the UN itself, can help remove the barriers facing entrepreneurs and unleash the talent that is intrinsic in all societies.

By promoting entrepreneurship education through capacity-building, training programs, and business incubators, the resolution will increase access and opportunities for women, youth and individuals with disabilities.

The resolution will also measure impact of entrepreneurship policies through data collection and other indicators.

Earlier on Thursday, the Israeli Mission held a special event focusing on Israeli entrepreneurship and innovations.

Leading Israeli entrepreneurs presented the latest technological advancements developed in the Jewish state.  The event, which was hosted Danon, was held in cooperation with Israel Advanced Technology Industries (IATI).

Joining Ambassador Danon at the event were Dr. Chantal Line Capentier, Chief of the UNCTAD New York Office and leading Israeli entrepreneurs including Professor Yossi Matias, Vice President, Engineering Google and Head of Google’s Israel office.

Representatives from Israeli companies such as ReWalk, Kaiima and Novartis attended the forum together with respected non-profits such as Unistream and Social Finance Israel.

“Entrepreneurship is the driving force behind Israel’s transformation from a developing country into a powerhouse of innovation,” Danon said at the event. “For Israelis if you haven’t failed, you didn’t try hard enough,” the Ambassador continued.

Erez Tzur, the chairman of IATI noted that, “we are proud to take part in the UN’s drive for sustainable economic growth by harnessing innovation, technology and social innovation.”

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel