Photo by Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90

The IDF said M-16 rifles were found on two of the terrorists.

By Pesach Benson, TPS

Three Palestinian terrorists affiliated with the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade were killed in a shootout with Israeli soldiers in the Balata Refugee Camp near Shechem (Nablus) early Monday morning.

The three men were identified by Palestinian Authority as Fathi Rizk, Abdullah Abu Hamdan and Mohammed Zeitoun. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which is affiliated with the Fatah party, confirmed the three were members of the terror group. The IDF said M-16 rifles were found on two of the terrorists.

Soldiers arrested three wanted men suspected of involvement in terrorist activity and confiscated three M-16 weapons, ammunition, military equipment and weapon parts.

Also discovered in one apartment in the United Nations-administered refugee camp was an explosives laboratory containing tens of kilograms of explosives that were supposed to be used to carry out attacks.

Meanwhile in Jenin, Israeli security forces arrested three wanted Palestinians. During the operation, suspects threw a bomb and shot at the soldiers who returned fire. Military equipment was confiscated.

Seven other Palestinian terror suspects were arrested in the villages of Abu Dis and Ezaria near Jerusalem, Bani Naim, Qilqis and Dura near Hebron, and in the Aida and Aqbat Jabr refugee camps. Soldiers confiscated a number of grenades in Qilqis.

In an ongoing sweep against terror in Judea and Samaria, the Israel Defense Forces have thwarted over 500 terror attacks and arrested more than 2,500 suspects. Operation Wave Breaker was launched following a surge of Palestinian terror attacks in the spring of 2022 which killed 19 people.