(AP/Richard Drew)
Mahmoud Abbas

The PA leader blamed Israel for the suffering of the Palestinian people while completely ignoring Palestinian incitement and terrorism. Israel’s UN envoy noted that “mere weeks ago, Abbas defended Hitler and blamed the Jews for being massacred during the Holocaust.”

By United with Israel Staff

Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly Thursday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas dwelled on the “Nakba” – Arabic for ‘catastrophe,’ referring to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 – and claimed that the Zionists have distorted history through propaganda.

“This occupation violates the principles of international law and international legitimacy,” he stated.

“My message today to the Israelis is that this hideous occupation imposed on us will not last,” Abbas declared, while demanding international protection from “terrorist Israeli settlers” and the IDF. He vowed to continue to pursue Israel in international arenas such as the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice at The Hague.

However, “we will continue our peaceful popular resistance,” he said.

Notably, the year 2023 has been the deadliest since the Second Intifada, with an average of one Israeli civilian death per week as a result of Palestinian terror.

Abbas accused the world body of abiding by a “double standard” and favoring the Jewish state, despite the obvious bias against Israel over the years at the United Nations. For example, the UN Watch database has documented that from 2006 through 2022, the UN Human Rights Council adopted 99 resolutions against Israel, 41 against Syria, 13 against Iran, four against Russia, and three against Venezuela.

“As I stand before you here, the Israeli racist right-wing government continues its attacks on our people and its army and its racist terrorist settlers continue to intimate and kill our people, steal our money, and resources,” he charged.

While spewing lie after lie about the Jewish state, the hostile PA leader called on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to convene an international peace conference, which he said would be the “last opportunity” to create a two-state solution “in light of the deadlock due to Israel’s policies.” He also demanded the ‘Right of Return” for millions of descendants of Arabs who fled Israel voluntarily in 1948 – a scenario that would in essence bring about an end to the Jewish state.

Abbas urged member states to recognize the State of Palestine that would be admitted as a full UN member. “Those who think that peace can prevail in the Middle East without the Palestinian people enjoying their full, legitimate, and national rights, would be mistaken,” he said.

The Israeli delegation walked out of the hall early in his address.

Israel’s UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan said, in response to the PA leader’s address, “Mere weeks ago, President Abbas defended Hitler and blamed the Jews for being massacred during the Holocaust. Today, he stood at this podium and called the vicious Palestinian terror attacks ‘peaceful resistance.’ Let me be clear: terror is terror is terror. President Abbas just proved today that he is no partner for peace and that he is totally detached from reality and irrelevant.”