The October 7 massacre perpetrated by Hamas terrorists will forever remain etched in our collective consciousness, a day when more than 1200 innocent civilians were ruthlessly murdered, and hundreds more cruelly taken hostage.

This petition, sponsored by the official group representing the families of the hostages, calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all the hostages, including babies, children, the elderly, and men and women, who fell victim to the heartless actions of Hamas on October 7th.

hostages posters

Hostages posters. (Shutterstock)

The hostages, enduring subhuman conditions marked by injuries, torture, and unspeakable humiliation at the hands of Hamas terrorists, have been failed by international organizations.

Survivors, courageously recounting the sexual violence they experienced or witnessed upon their return, reveal not only the terrorists’ brutality but also the systemic failures of organizations meant to safeguard human rights.

The recent IDF findings expose shocking details of Hamas’ captive treatment, revealing the use of cages to transport and confine hostages

Shockingly, the Red Cross, entrusted with upholding humanitarian standards, has fallen short in fulfilling its obligations and delivering much-needed medication to the hostages.

Our commitment is unwavering— we will not rest until every hostage is safely reunited with their families.

Their time is running out and your support is crucial in this fight for justice.

Together, let’s bring them home now.

Click Here to Sign the Petition

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of I am writing to urgently appeal for your assistance and support in addressing a matter of great importance. I am deeply concerned about the recent hostage situation in Gaza, which involves hundreds of innocent people, including US citizens. It is alarming to know that each of these hostages, including children, women, and the elderly, is in immediate danger.