AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner

Israelis presented their model for vaccination to Austrian officials who seek to benefit from Israel’s light-speed strategy to protect its citizens from the deadly virus.


Austria has approached Israel for advice regarding its operation to vaccinate the population against the coronavirus (COVID-19) following Israel’s impressive achievements.

At the request of the office of Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, a conference call was held on Wednesday between the Chancellor’s office and the Austrian Ministry of Health, and personnel from the Israeli National Security Council and Ministry of Health.

The Health Ministry personnel presented the Israeli model for carrying out the complex vaccines operation and answered questions from the Austrian side.

More than 150,000 Israelis received the Pfizer-developed vaccine on Wednesday and 800,000 in total have been vaccinated in the 11 days of Operation “Lend a Shoulder” to inoculate the population.

Israel signed contracts with Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. Fourteen million vaccine doses are expected to arrive in the next few months.

Israel is so far the fastest country in inoculating its population against COVID-19, Our World in Data, a global, aggregated database on COVID-19, showed, twice the rate of Bahrain, which ranked second.

Minister of Health Yuli Edelstein said Thursday that thanks to the medical staff and the rapid deployment of 257 vaccine stations, more than 150,000 people have been vaccinated in 24 hours for the second day in a row.