
This high-tech corona test is going to leave a bad aftertaste in the mouths of those who hate Israel.

By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel

Israel’s contribution to the global war on the coronavirus is about to be felt in the airports of Europe, announced the companies behind an amazing new and fast COVID-19 test on Tuesday.

Virusight and Newsight Imaging developed a breakthrough test for the coronavirus that gives highly accurate results within seconds by simply gargling a test liquid and spitting it into a tube.

The device, SpectraLIT, is the size of a computer mouse and is able to detect evidence of the presence of a virus in the body in less than a second, using blood or saliva .

The amazingly fast system analyzes the mouthwash in a USB-powered machine that is the size of a small bowl. It takes only one second to test the pathogens that were transferred from the patient’s mouth into the mouthwash.

In what the joint venture calls “a ground-breaking effort to keep international airports open,” it signed a strategic letter of intent for rapid screening of airline passengers with ICTS Europe, a leading security provider at major airports across the globe.

“As travel restrictions are gradually lifted, innovation and technology will continue to be central to the industry’s recovery, and so we are proud and extremely pleased to join forces with Virusight to unveil SpectraLIT – a ground-breaking COVID-19 screening solution, powered by unique machine-learning and AI capabilities,” said Oren Sapir, CEO of ICTS Europe.

The method has been clinically proven at Sheba Medical Center, the largest hospital in Israel.

Within seconds, viruses such as COVID-19 can be identified using the method and ICTS Europe will implement the technology, which will be able to quickly screen millions of passengers in airports worldwide.

ICTS operates in 23 countries, covering over 120 airports across Europe, North America, and the Far East, and the plan is to start a set of supervised pilot programs at targeted airports.

When the the pilot program is completed and analyzed, the testing is expected to be widely deployed in airports across ICTS Europe’s existing infrastructure to help alleviate pandemic travel lockdown.

Newsight specializes in advanced image sensor chips for 3D machine vision and spectral analysis, and the company saw that it could adapt its technology to help fight the pandemic.

“Our solution for COVID-19 is currently in the process of receiving regulation approval and is ready for deployment in COVID-19 hot-spots such as airports,” said Newsight CEO Eli Assoolin, who praised ICTS Europe as the ideal parner. “The two companies will strive to cope with the challenge of mass screening of airline passengers, and we are keen on seeing the world of travel getting back to a normal routine.”