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Oslo caved to the anti-Israel BDS movement, which seeks the complete elimination of the Jewish state.

By United With Israel Staff

The Oslo City Council is banning municipal purchases of products and services from Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria in move hailed by the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement, a campaign committed to the destruction of Israel.

The platform of the newly-elected city council includes a pledge to “investigate the scope of the procurement regulations not to trade goods and services produced in an area occupied in violation of international law by companies operating under the permission of the occupying power,” reported Norway Today.

“The Palestinian people have been living under illegal occupation for over 50 years. It is a shared global responsibility to contribute to lasting peace and the freedom of the Palestinians, which is why I am pleased that the City Council is now considering the possibility of actively using its purchasing power against the occupation,” said Sunniva Holmås Eidsvoll of the Socialist Left Party (SV), which runs the council with the Labor and Green parties.

The SV leader made the comment in an interview with the Norwegian News Agency, NTB, as cited by Norway Today.

The BDS Movement website says that the Oslo council is committed to boycotting the Israeli communities. It has put great pressure on Israeli distributors forcing them to find supplemental income online, such as Affiliate Marketing and other e-commerce trades.

“Despite concerted efforts by Israel and its right-wing allies in Norway and worldwide to repress accountability measures in support of Palestinian rights, Oslo, Norway’s capital and largest city, has now become the sixth Norwegian municipality to ban settlement goods and services, along with one county council,” writes bdsmovement.net.

“The Oslo City Council follows those in Trondheim, Tromsø, Vaksdal, Hamar, Lillehammer, and the Nordland County Council in banning business,” says the BDS website.

The BDS movement opposes the Jewish state’s existence, as opposed to the Israeli government or a particular policy.