United with Israel

Northern Israel Under Fire; Israeli Critically Injured in Ashdod

ashdod attacked by rocket

On Day Four of Operation Protective Edge, northern Israel also came under fire from Lebanon, while the IDF seems to be preparing for a ground invasion of Gaza.

Northern Israel came under fire from numerous Hamas terrorist rockets overnight and into Friday morning, including a rocket from Lebanon, forcing residents of Haifa, Upper Galilee, Zikhron Ya’akov, Hadera and Metulla to take cover. An elderly woman reportedly collapsed and died while running for shelter in Haifa.

This man’s car was hit by a rocket near Sderot.
(Photo: Hadas Parush/Flash90)

Southern Israel, with its close proximity to Gaza, continued to bear the brunt of the rocket attacks, with sirens heard in areas including Ashkelon, Sderot, Netivot, Ofakim, the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council and the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council.

In Ashdod Friday morning, a man in his sixties was critically wounded by a rocket launched from Gaza that hit a fuel tank. Several others were lightly injured. The explosion caused severe damage and set off a massive fire.

On Thursday – Day Three of Operation Protective Edge – 192 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel; 141 landed in Israel and 44 were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). In response, the IDF made targeted strikes on more than 210 terrorist sites in Gaza.

Not Interested in Band-Aid Solutions

Israel is not interested in a partial solution to Hamas terrorist attacks, Ambassador Ron Prosor told the United Nations Security Council on Thursday.

“Over the last few years, Hamas has built up a massive military machine, with 10,000 rockets,” said Prosor. “Israel is now acting to dismantle that machine.”

Israel launched Operation Protective Edge “to counter these attacks, to defend our citizens and to secure for them a life without a constant threat,” Prosor explained. “The goal of our operation is to remove the threat posed by Hamas, by dismantling its military infrastructure, and restore quiet in Israel. We aren’t looking for a band-aid solution that will allow Hamas to rest and regroup. We aren’t going to give them a so-called ‘time out’ so that they can replenish their rocket supplies and hit us again in a few weeks.”

A Tough, Complicated Campaign

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted that the military operation might be expanded in his remarks following a Security Cabinet meeting last night.

A woman reacts to a nearby rocket strike. (Photo: Flash90)

“While the campaign has gone as planned, further stages yet await us,” said Netanyahu. “We have struck hard at Hamas and the terrorists and as long as the campaign continues we will strike at them harder…. [A] tough, complex and complicated campaign yet awaits us.”

The strength and fortitude of Israeli citizens is crucial to the military’s ability “to finish the work of restoring quiet and security to Israel’s cities,” he added.

Fighting Terrorism from Land, Sea and Air

Israel’s security forces have been working “on land, sea and air” to combat Hamas terrorists, said Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon after the Security Cabinet meeting.

“Hundreds of targets have been destroyed, including the homes of militants, government institutions, launchers, rockets and other war material,” said Ya’alon. “Dozens of terrorists have been killed and we are continuing to strike at Hamas and make it pay a heavy price for everything it has done in recent days…. We will continue with this operation until we reach the desired result: the cessation of firing and the lifting of the threat to Israeli citizens and soldiers.”

Author: Sherry Miller
Staff Writer, United with Israel

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