stab Israelis facebook

facebook reply

Facebook initial response. (Screenshot)

Unfortunately, the social media network company didn’t have the common sense to remove the offending page on its own and it wasn’t until users complained that it complied with the request to take it down.

A page on the Facebook social media network promoting the stabbing of Israeli citizens was apparently compliant with Facebook’s community standards and was initially not removed.

Many Israelis were dismayed to discover that a ”Stab Israelis” Facebook page was opened recently in wake of a wave of Palestinian terror attacks, and which promoted “a campaign to support the Palestinian people including the stabbing of Israelis.”

Many Israelis complained to Facebook about the page that incited to violence and murder. Facebook initially declined to remove the page, but did so after Israel’s Ynet news site published an article on Facebook’s shameful and potentially dangerous conduct.

Social media has been rampant with Palestinian incitement, calls to violence against Jews, the spread of lies against Israelis, and anti-Semitism.

Several Israelis were recently stabbed by Palestinian terrorists, including two Israelis who were stabbed and murdered earlier this month in Jerusalem’s Old City. Three Israelis were murdered by Palestinian terrorists on Tuesday.

By: United with Israel