(IDF Spokesman's Unit)
IAF Major G.

“It’s a great privilege that comes with immense responsibility,” she said. “The real work is still ahead of me. I am proud to serve in the IAF.”

By: United with Israel Staff

Major G., a female Israel Air Force (IAF) pilot, made history on Tuesday when she was appointed the first female squadron commander in the IAF. She will assume the command of the 122nd “Nachshon” aerial reconnaissance Squadron.

Maj. G., a 34-year-old mother whose full name is classified, was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. She is the daughter of an IAF pilot.

“It’s a great privilege that comes with immense responsibility,” she said. “The real work is still ahead of me. I am proud to serve in the IAF.”

G. joined the IAF in 2003, and upon completion of her flight course, served in various squadrons as a transport pilot. She served in several commander positions in the IAF Flight School and later in Squadron 135, also known as the Air Kings Squadron.

Between 2015 and 2017, she served as Deputy Commander of the Nahshon Squadron, which she now assumes command of.

The Nachshon Squadron has a unique Air Traffic Control unit, made up of ATCs (Air Traffic Controllers) who perform their job while airborne, sometimes thousands of kilometers away from Israel.

“The squadron is responsible for a major portion of the IAF’s operational activity, participating in most operational missions”, said Maj. Y, a former commander of the squadron. “The reason for this is that our work is relevant in all theaters. There are certain areas in which only we know what goes on.”

While women in most Middle Eastern countries face discrimination, abuse, and denial of basic human rights, women in Israel play an integral role in all parts of society, including the IDF.

For instance, female combat soldiers of the IDF field intelligence company “Nachshol” are stationed along the southern Israeli border.

In June, four female soldiers attained the position of tank commanders in the IDF after successfully completing a 16-month training program.