by: Michael Ordman


The breath of life

Kfir Zar’s lungs were badly damaged when Hamas fired a rocket at his tank in Gaza. He was put on a heart-lung machine until he received a double lung transplant at Sheba Medical Center from fallen soldier Dor Zimel. Kfir has now been discharged after nine and a half months of recovery.

Volunteers saved $50 million of produce

Israeli charity Leket Israel reported that since Oct 7, hundreds of thousands of volunteers, from Israel and around the world, helped rescue over 35,000 tons of Israeli agricultural produce that otherwise would have gone to waste.

Navigating the “new normal”

Interesting article highlighting the resilience of Israelis who continue their “normal” lives in a war situation.

Respite in Connecticut

World ORT Kadima Mada brought a group of 21 Israeli teens to the USA for a two -week break with summer camps, parks, and counselling. Each student had lost a family member or friend in the Hamas-led terrorist attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7 or in the months of violence against Israel since.


Robot surgery to remove pancreas (and more)

Surgeons at the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya are the first in Israel to use a robot to completely remove a patient’s pancreas and other organs. The 78-year-old patient had multiple cystic (non-malignant) tumors. After a few days, he was discharged home.

Robot can help rehabilitate stroke patients

Ben Gurion University researchers published the first long-term study of stroke patient rehabilitation using Socially Assistive Robots (SARs).  The robots used speech, facial expressions, and gestures to guide and coach patients and improve outcomes.  (See also here previously).

Hope for colorectal cancer patients

Early results of a study at Israel’s Rabin Medical Center of 29 patients showed new treatment for colorectal cancer eradicated tumors in 65% of patients and prevented surgery for most. Combined immunotherapy and chemoradiotherapy substantially improved survival and quality of life.

Big data is revealing

A 2-year study by Tel Aviv University researchers is being hailed as a test for vaccines and also to give early warning of a potential pandemic. Smartwatch sensors from Israel’s Biobeat (see here previously) monitored the heart, lungs, blood oxygen, temperature, blood pressure, etc. of some 5,000 patients.

New AI medical solutions

Israel’s AIDOC (see here previously) has announced seven new CE-approved AI solutions for European healthcare. They help analyze blocked blood vessels; a tear in the aorta; spinal fracture; a malplaced tube for opening the airway in the throat, and three cardiovascular and neurological conditions.

Papaya to treat cystic fibrosis?

Israel’s ODE Pharma has discovered that a molecule, code named ODE-001 and derived from the papaya fruit, reduces inflammation and deterioration in organs adversely affected by cystic fibrosis. One scientist who originally suggested the molecule is Nobel laureate Aaron Ciechanover.

Looking to stop cancer at cell level

Dr Gabriel Frank at Israel’s Ben Gurion University employs microscopy – examining cells using BGU’s powerful cryo-electron microscope, He has discovered that cancer cells rely on iron ions. The body’s Nuclear Receptor Coactivator 4 (NCOA4) controls the ion level and can kill the cancer.

Upgrading emergency dispatch

Israel’s volunteer emergency medical organization United Hatzalah has just enhanced its dispatch center’s capabilities by upgrading to the APEX cloud-based system from Israel’s Carbyne (see here previously). United Hatzalah partnered with Carbyne (see here) after the Turkish earthquake.

Oncologists base decisions on Israeli tech

A study published in Clinical Lung Cancer finds that 93% of oncologists adjust their treatment recommendations with the help of PROphetNSCLC, a test developed by Israel’s OncoHost (see here previously).


Water from air system at Vatican office

To help publicize the global need for clean drinking water, Israel’s Watergen (see here previously) has installed one of its “water from the air” generators at the Office of Papal Charities in Vatican City. It also supports the Office’s mission to help vulnerable communities.

How to make people positive about Israel

A survey of 1,000 18- to 25-year-old Americans who have never visited Israel found that 63% of them can be persuaded to view Israel more positively through engaging, visually appealing social-media content. Register here for Sep 10 webinar on how to make this work.

German partner for autonomous vehicle

The unmanned REX MK II land vehicle built by Israel Aerospace Industries and Germany’s Flensburger Fahrzeugbau can carry supplies, munitions, medical equipment, and wounded. It was awarded Best Scientific Solution at the recent European Land Robot Trial.

TAU researchers win $1 million prize for statistics

The King Baudouin Foundation, based in Brussels, has awarded the prestigious Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics to 3 Tel Aviv University professors for their pioneering work on False Discovery Rate. FDR is vital to genomics, neuroscience, agriculture, economics, and more.

Christian students learn to counter anti-Israel activity

Passages, an organisation that brings Christian college students to Israel, held a training session in Washington DC for 250+ Christian students and alumni. They learned how to combat anti-Israel activity on campus and met with families of hostages.

Israel and Cyprus perform 8 transplants together

A record eight kidney cross-transplant operations were performed in Israel and Cyprus in one day: five in Israel and three in Cyprus. Israel’s National Center for Transplantation has been pairing compatible patients and donors from both countries since 2019 (see 3rd link).

Strategic cooperation with India

Israel and India held a seminar in Delhi to enhance security cooperation against drone threats with participation from defense ministries and companies from both countries. It also featured a showcase of technologies to counter drone threats, with nine Israeli companies participating.


Vaccines to keep produce fresh

Israel’s HarvestR (see here previously) is developing vaccines that contain dsRNA (double-stranded ribonucleic acid) molecules that disrupt diseases targeting specific crops. The new technology means less use of chemical-based fungicides to keep agricultural produce fresh.

Helping companies prepare for a cyber crisis

Israel’s Cytactic helps businesses cobat cyber threats by integrating cyber crisis preparation, response management, and recovery. Focusing on readiness, coordinated management, and fast recovery mitigates the impact of crises and can avert some threats altogether.

1,000 urban trees

Israel’s TreeTube (see here previously) has implemented its innovative tree planting system in cities in Israel, The Netherlands and Estonia and has sprouted over 1,000 trees. TreeTube is one of this year’s MassChallenge Israel Early-Stage Accelerator Program winners.

See cultured chicken made and then eat it

Israel’s SuperMeat (see here previously) offered a unique opportunity for chefs and food “experts” to watch “no-chicken” chicken being cultivated in the laboratory. They then consumed it and couldn’t taste any difference to “real” chicken.

No moles here

Moles are a nuicance for lawns, gardens, organic greenhouses, crop fields, and golf courses. So the underground sound system from Israel’s Molex should be extremely attractive. Molex imitates the noises made by the presence of a mole’s preditor, repelling the moles and convincing them to burrow somewhere else.

Converting waste into energy

Israel’s Co-Energy turns plastic and organic waste into energy. No waste pre-sorting is necessary. The process involves pyrolysis – super-heating without the use of oxygen. It turns plastic into a form of oil or gas and wood into biochar (a type of charcoal used to improve soil health). See also here.

Removing Greenhouse Gas at scale

Israel’s BomVento (see here previously) is developing a coating for the blades on wind turbines that can extract greenhouse gasses (GHG) from the air even as the turbines operate. BomVento estimates that the world’s 300,000 wind turbines could remove 3 billion tons of GHG per year.

Preventing excessive fertilizer

Israel’s  Yevul Info has developed Leaf Guardian – an AI-enhanced solution designed to prevent overfertilization, environmental damage, and ensure optimal plant health. It uses cameras, sensors, and other advanced technology to spot tiny changes in the green color of the leaves.

Drought-tolerant watermelon

Watermelons require around 500 liters of water to grow to maturity. Israel’s Origene Seeds (see here previously) has introduced the “Essence” and “Maxima” seedless watermelon varieties, which require 30% less water – and are sweeter than regular watermelons.

When every second counts

Important video featuring Israel’s SeismicAI (see here previously) and its earthquake warning system. SeismicAI aims to give customers four, five, six more seconds of warning which can allow people to take cover and for automated systems to shut down sensitive infrastructure.



Technion students pitch up in NYC

MBA students from Israel’s Technion Institute presented their innovative technologies to a panel of New York City entrepreneurs and investors, “Shark Tank” style. The winner was Gil Menasherov with a polymer that protects solar panels from UV radiation.

Solar panels to be mandatory

New Israeli Energy Ministry regulations have been approved requiring all new detached houses and non-residential buildings of a certain size to install solar panels for electricity generation. The regulations will shortly expand to residential apartment buildings, in which the majority of Israelis live.

A chocolate boost for no-tree chocolate

Having produced its proof of concept, Israel’s Celleste Bio (see here previously) is now upscaling its lab-cultivated chocolate production, thanks to a strategic investment from food giant Mondelez. It is upgrading its 1,000 liter bioreactor to 50,000 liters, aiming to be ready for market in 2027.

Prize-winning mining technology

Israel’s Razor Labs (see here previously) won three separate categories at the 2024 Mining Technology Excellence Awards. Razor Labs’ AI-driven DataMind AI platform maintains key mining machinery and won in the categories of Innovation, Safety, and Research & Development (R&D).

The biggest drone delivery service in the US

Israel’s Flytrex (see here previously) has just completed 100,000 on-demand deliveries across its locations in suburban North Carolina and Texas, more than any other airborne food delivery service in the United States.

Military supplies for Dutch army

The Netherlands Army is buying $277 million of Spike LR2 missiles from Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. Earlier this year the Netherlands halted exports to Israel of F-35 fighter aircraft parts after a ruling by a Dutch court that the Dutch government is now appealing.

$1 billion for safe AI

Israeli-founded Safe Superintelligence (see here previously) has just raised an incredible $1 billion, just 3 months after launching. Its aim is to build scalable computer power that will eventually result in Artificial Intelligence that, although more powerful than humanity, will be safe for humanity.

$1.9 billion exit

Salesforce is to acquire Own Company, formerly known as OwnBackup, for $1.9 billion in cash. Salesforce already owned 10% of Own Company, giving a total valuation of $2.1 billion.

Startup investment – to 8/9/24:

Sedric raised $18.5 millionHypernative raised $16 millionRep AI raised $8.2 millionOdeeo raised $5 raised another $4.8 million;


Ancient paintings in Ashkelon

Two ancient tombs dating back at least 1,700 years ago featuring restored wall paintings of Greek mythological characters, people, plants and animals are to go on display in the Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon. The Roman-era site has been turned into a public garden.

Oops! Thanks to the Hecht Museum in Haifa

After 4-year-old Ariel Geller accidentally knocked over a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age jar, the museum invited him back to witness its restoration process firsthand. The jar was repaired using advanced 3D technology and high-resolution videos. Ariel even crafted a clay jar of his own.

Swallowtail butterflies arrive in Hula valley

The KKL-JNF Hula Valley Reserve is currently aflutter with the arrival of thousands of swallowtail butterflies, one of a number of migratory species that graces the area each summer (see here previously).

Sperm whale’s long journey

A team of international researchers, led by University of Haifa’s Dr. Aviad Scheinin, has documented the longest journey of a sperm whale to date. The researchers provided evidence of at least one immature male whale swimming eastward, some 2,800km (1,740 miles) of the Mediterranean Sea.

Welcome back Olympic team

Israel’s President Herzog hosted the Israeli athletes returning from Paris after Israel’s most successful ever Olympic Games.

“Almost” Israeli won Olympic wrestling gold

Amit Elor, born to Israeli parents, won the gold medal in the Women’s freestyle wrestling 68 kg category at the Paris Olympics. Her mother tongue is Hebrew and all her five siblings live in Israel. She expressed her hope that her victory represented a small ray of light for Israelis.

4 more paralympic golds

Israelis have won another three gold medals, a silver and two bronze at the Paris Paralympic Games. Swimmer Ami Dadaon (watch youtube) won three medals (gold 100m freestyle, silver 150m medley, gold 200m freestyle). Moran Samuel won the women’s 2,000-meter PR1 rowing gold.



Thousands at Kotel Selichot prayers

Thousands attended the first night of Selichot prayers at the Western Wall, praying for the welfare of Israel’s soldiers, healing for the injured, and the return of the hostages held captive in Gaza.

Selichot home hospitality

Religious Jewish women who wish to sing the traditional pre-high holiday prayers in a private environment can now do so. The artist Bracha Cohen is hosting Selichot Home Hospitality every evening until Yom Kippur at the gallery in her home in Jerusalem.

Ishay Ribo at Madison Square Garden

Israeli singer Ishay Ribo is to perform at New York’s Madison Square Garden on Sep 15th – one year after his first sold out MSG concert. To mark the occasion he has released a video of last year’s performance of the timeless Rosh Hashana prayer, “Meloch,”. Breathtaking!



30,000 make Aliyah since Oct 7.

Nearly 30,000 new immigrants have arrived in Israel since the Oct. 7 massacre, according to figures released by the World Zionist Organization. 6,000 US Jews have opened Aliyah files – 62% more than the same period last year. In France, the increase is 355%.