Arabs support Israel

Good News Israel presents Israel has fans in Arab countries; IsraAid provides flood relief in Texas and much more.

By: Michael Ordman



NIS 100 million for disabled

Israel has added NIS 100 million to the budget for people with severe disabilities receiving government support. It has the goal of improving the situation of weaker layers of society, and others who need assistance from the state.

The first Arab to head a Knesset committee

Knesset Member Aida Touma-Sliman of the Arab Joint List party became the first Arab party lawmaker to head a permanent committee of the Israeli Parliament. She is now Chair of the Committee for the Advancement of the Status of Women and was elected unanimously.

Inclusive magic lesson breaks world record

Israeli magician Israel Cagliostro set a Guinness World Record for the largest magic lesson. He taught a card trick emphasizing peace to 1,576 Jewish, Christian and Muslim fifth and sixth graders brought together from across Haifa for a day of fun and cross-cultural interaction.

Israel helps Qatar re-build Gaza

The chairman of Qatar’s committee for reconstructing Gaza reported to the Arab media “The reconstruction process is progressing very well as construction material is being shipped to Gaza everyday without any obstacles”. “Israel has approved all the Qatari-funded projects in the Gaza Strip.”

IDF supporters in Arab countries

When an Israeli Arab IDF veteran launched the Facebook site Tzahal bistahal (“the IDF is worth it”) he didn’t expect positive messages from Arabs in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Morocco. But that’s what he got. And see the photos that prove it.

Flood relief for Texas

The Israeli organization IsraAID is sending a team to help relief efforts in Texas, where massive flooding has killed at least 21 people and impacted thousands. IsraAID’s executive director Shachar Zahavi said a team of 10 IsraAID volunteers would help with removing debris from damaged houses.

India’s PM to visit Israel

There are many reports of the announcement that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be the first Indian head of state to visit Israel. This is from the Indian press.


Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.