
Tribu, a new app, simplifies volunteering; two golden lion tamarin monkeys were born in Jerusalem, thanks to Israel’s efforts to save rare species; Israeli innovation at its very best; and much more!

By Michael Ordman


An app to simplify volunteering

Israeli ex-supermodel Michaela Bercu and her husband Israeli tech entrepreneur Ron Zuckerman developed Tribu – an app which connects volunteering needs with those who wish to help. It is in use all over Israel and a pilot has recently been setup at a California university.

Rare animals born in Jerusalem

Israel again demonstrated its work to save rare species. Two rare golden lion tamarin monkeys were born at Jerusalem’s Biblical zoo. Thanks to efforts like that of Israel, the population of these monkeys has risen from 80 in 1980 to around 3,200 today. Also five Griffin vultures were hatched.

Israeli innovation at its very best

A great summary of the work of Israeli NGO Innovation: Africa which has brought clean water and electricity to over a million villagers in rural Africa.

Faiths co-operate to clean up Old City site

Israel, Jordan, the Gulf States and Christian leaders have agreed for the Jerusalem Development Authority to clear a long-standing Wakf-administered garbage dump just outside the Old City walls. A new promenade is now being built on the site to improve access for tourists.

Pope welcomes cross-border owl project

Israeli, Jordanian, Palestinian Arab and Swiss bird experts recently traveled to the Vatican to discuss their successful cross-border project using barn owls (see here) for natural pest control. https://www.israel21c.org/pope-welcomes-israeli-jordanian-palestinian-bird-experts/

Ramadan in Israel

This video shows how the month-long Muslim festival of Ramadan is observed and celebrated in the towns of Ein Nakuba and Abu Ghosh – between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Residents and leaders highlight the importance of improving ethical behavior and especially relationships with non-Muslims.

Middle East unites to save coral reefs

Professor Maoz Fine of Israel’s Bar-Ilan University has set up the Red Sea Transnational Research Center to help try to save global coral reefs. The center brings together experts from Israel and seven Muslim countries – Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Eritrea, Sudan, Yemen, and Djibouti.

Israel hosts joint US-Russia summit

In the first meeting of its kind, the US national security adviser, and his Russian and Israeli counterparts will meet in Jerusalem to discuss regional security issues and Syria in particular. https://www.israelhayom.com/2019/06/02/52-years-later-israel-and-the-superpowers/

World Environment Day

This video produced for World Environment Day on 5th Jun, highlights Israel’s progress with renewable energy, wastewater recycling, desalination. Israel promotes the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and works with many countries in their efforts to achieve them.

How one tiny aid NGO changed an island

After Hurricane Maria, IsraAID distributed food and water filters to remote Puerto Rican communities. They operated mobile health clinics, treated trauma victims and trained medical staff. But it is two long-term projects (water and resiliency) that have transformed Puerto Rican lives.