United with Israel

Israeli surgeons reconstruct face of Syrian casualty; Hong Kong students visit Israel

Israeli doctors reconstructed the face of a Syrian casualty. (Shutterstock)

Israeli doctors reconstructed the face of a Syrian casualty. (Shutterstock)

Good News Israel presents Israeli surgeons reconstruct face of Syrian casualty; Hong Kong students visit Israel, and much more.

By Michael Ordman



Taking inclusion to a larger level

A report about two IDF bases where “special” soldiers with disabilities perform important jobs. IDF service helps integrate the disabled into society and the workforce. It also educates and changes the attitudes of IDF personnel without disabilities.

Israeli-Arabs flourish at Technion

As the Bloomberg journalist admits, “Here’s a little-told success story:” Israeli Arabs, women in particular, have made huge strides over the past decade at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, better known as Israel’s answer to MIT.

BBC applauds Israeli op on Syrian’s face

The BBC describes the amazing reconstruction work that Israeli surgeon Yoav Leiser of Haifa’s Rambam hospital performed on Mohammad – a Syrian farmer whose face was shattered in an attack by a Syrian warplane. A rare positive Israel story from the BBC. Also a report on the $10 million plus spent by Israel in the last 18 months treating 1500 Syrians.

UN-Israeli workshop on renewable energy

The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) organized a workshop to teach successful renewable energy practices and energy efficiency technologies to 23 experts and policymakers from across Eurasia.

Hong Kong students experience Startup Nation

50 Hong Kong university and secondary students got the chance to see firsthand the secrets to Israeli entrepreneurial success, thanks to a six-day trip co-organized by the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) and Li Ka Shing Foundation.


Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.


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