
Good News Israel presents thousands of disabled kids can now walk; Israeli app can diagnose ADHD and much more.

By: Michael Ordman



Blood test detects early colon cancer

The lives of millions may be saved thanks to a new non-invasive test for colon cancer. Hemoglobin tests on 100,000 patients of Israel’s Maccabi Health Services have led to Israel’s MedialCS developing an algorithm that identified symptoms of early-stage colon cancer in 25% of those tested.

Helping children to grow

A new supplement developed at Schneider Children’s Medical Center in Israel has successfully helped children in the bottom 10th percentile for height and weight grow taller and gain weight.
Studies showed that children on the “Up-Pro” supplement grew 1-2 cm taller than the group given placebos.

App can diagnose ADHD

Israel’s GlassesOff has published results from a study into attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), showing that its non-invasive, game-like technology can provide an early indication of whether a child has ADHD and to what degree. It can also monitor treatment of the disorder.

Treating sleep apnea and heart disease

Evidence linking cardiovascular disease and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has prompted Israel’s Itamar Medical to offer a Total Sleep Solution (TSS) to US hospitals and clinics. TSS links Itamar’s WatchPAT home sleep test with nationwide diagnostic testing facilities, sleep physicians and cloud-based IT platform. Itamar also markets its EndoPAT heart test.

6000 disabled kids can now walk tall

Since Israel’s Debby Einatan invented the Upsee harness in 2014, UK manufacturer Leckey has sold over 6000 in over 120 countries. That’s 6000 kids who can walk with their parents for the first time. It can even normalize the child’s hip joint and improve head control.

Thousands attend Israel BioMed 2015

BioMed 2015 (May 12-14) in Tel Aviv is an annual event that draws hundreds of industry executives, scientists and engineers, with thousands of attendees from over 45 countries. Hundreds of Israeli life science companies exhibit their products, services and technologies.


Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.