United with Israel

Hamas Tells PA: Withdraw Your UN Bid for Statehood


PA head Abbas. (Photo: Flash90)

The PA is plowing ahead with its damaging bid at the UN, but even the Palestinians themselves are not supporting it. 

As the Palestinian Authority (PA) barrels ahead with a damaging bid to unilaterally gain statehood at the UN, it has met opposition from a surprising source – the Palestinians themselves.

Hamas spokesman in Gaza, Sami Abu Zuhri, called on the PA to withdraw the draft resolution demanding that Israel withdraw from the Judea and Samaria by the end of 2017. The PA intends to submit the resolution to the UN Security Council (UNSC) by the end of this year, but Hamas says that the bid “doesn’t represent a consensus of the Palestinian people,” the Chinese Xinhua news agency reported.

Hamas aspires to wipe Israel completely off the map, and would not simply settle for the eviction of Jews from Judea and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), the Palestinian communist faction, joined Hamas in voicing opposition to the PA bid.  They say that the bid presents a confusing picture. “Both the original version and the amended version, including the French and British remarks, is beyond repair and reform, and should be withdrawn immediately without delay,” they said in a statement quoted by Israel’s Ynet

They further demanded that the PA invite all Palestinian factions to discuss the issue of withdrawal, which ultimately affects all of them.

In the meantime, PA head Mahmoud Abbas threatened that if the draft resolution is not brought to a vote at the UNSC, the Palestinians “will be obliged to take necessary political and legal decisions,” the Algeria Press Service (APS) reports.

He has further threatened not to resume the diplomatic negotiations with Israel if his bid at the UN fails,  stating “we will no more deal with the Israeli government which will then be obliged to assume its responsibilities as an occupier.”

Netanyahu: We Will Not Accept Ultimatums

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized the PA’s belligerent move at the UN, stating:

“In recent years we have rebuffed recurrent attempts to dictate conditions to us that would have harmed Israel’s security and which are incompatible with genuine peace. This time we will not accept attempts to dictate to us unilateral moves on a limited timetable. In the reality in which Islamic terrorism is reaching out to all corners of the globe, we will rebuff any attempt that would put this terrorism inside our home, inside the State of Israel. I will make this unequivocally clear. We will stand firm in the face of any diktat (ultimatum).”

By: United with Israel Staff

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