Hamas terrorists on parade. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/ Flash90)

Hamas hasn’t had enough. As it prepares to attack Israel again and to bring more devastation to the residents of Gaza, Hamas has Iran to thank for the weapons. 

Hamas trains to launch rockets. (Photo: Abed Khatib/Flash90)

Hamas trains to launch rockets. (Photo: Abed Khatib/Flash90)

Hamas, which was taken off the list of terror organizations by the European Union Wednesday (EU), has reportedly been training intensely for another confrontation with Israel.

Hamas has stepped up its rocket experiments, firing several rockets into the sea in an attempt to improve the homemade missiles that they launch at Israeli civilian populations centers.

The terrorist organization has taken further measures to improve its combative abilities against Israel. The latest incident involved a large-scale military maneuver conducted Wednesday night, Ynet reports. This is the first time Hamas has conducted such an encompassing exercise in the early hours of the morning.

The military exercise took place on the ruins of the Israeli community of Dugit, which Israel evacuated in 2007 when it left the Gaza Strip.

‘The Next Round is Just Around the Bend’

Israelis who live near the Gaza Strip told Ynet that they heard heavy shootings and explosions all night long. “We heard machine-gun staccato and crazy explosions,” one resident said. “This is not the first time we have heard them training, but this time was much louder than before. It was really close. I woke up during the night a few times because of it. It sounded as if they were training right under our houses.”

Viewing Hamas’ intensified military training and preparations, Israelis living in close proximity to Gaza expressed concern about possible developments.

“They are returning to their abilities from before Operation Protective Edge, and that is very worrying,” one resident told Ynet. “This is a serious issue to which I do not have the answer. The only thing that is clear to us is that the next round is just around the bend.”

Israel Radio reported Thursday that a Hamas terrorist was killed and four others injured in an explosion in Gaza, which was likely due to a “work accident” while creating explosives.

Iran ‘First and Foremost’ in Funding Terror

Hamas parades with an effigy of a Jew before burning it. (Photo: IDF)

Hamas parades with an effigy of a Jew before burning it. (Photo: IDF)

Hamas is working diligently on developing its own brand of rockets, but still relies heavily on foreign support from Qatar, Turkey and, mainly, Iran.

Speaking at the end of the virulently anti-Semitic military parade Hamas held on Sunday, Abu Ubaida, spokesman for Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades, praised Iran, thanking the Islamic Republic for the weapons, funds, missiles and other aid that contributed to Hamas “victory” in the war with Israel this past summer

“Since Allah graced us with this development [of the Al-Qassam Brigades], and with this victory and this humiliation of the enemy, we have only to thank those whom Allah enlisted  to take part in this development… first and foremost the Islamic Republic of Iran, which did not withhold from us funds, weapons and other [forms of aid] and helped us in our resistance by supplying us with missiles that pulverized the Zionist strongholds during the attacks and battles we waged against the occupier, and also supplied us with quality anti-tank missiles that crushed the legendary Zionist Merkava [tank],” Abu Ubaida stated.

By: United with Israel Staff

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