Hamas rocket

Citizens of all ages, just out to celebrate the summer evening, fled in panic Sunday evening as the red-alert siren blared in the southern city of Sderot.

By Terri Nir, United with Israel

At least three rockets were launched by Gaza terrorists at southern Israel on Sunday evening.

“When you have an event with thousands of people, and there’s a rocket attack, the number of people who can get into the small saferooms close enough to run to are in the tens, at best,” activist Adele Raemer comments about a video posted on the Facebook page “Life on the border with Gaza – things people may not know (but should).”

Living in close proximity to the Gaza border, the crowd had a maximum of 15 seconds to run for cover. Voices over the loudspeakers call for security guards to unlock all gates to allow spectators to flee.


“The man in the wheelchair doesn’t stand a chance of getting someplace safe, and others will get held up behind him,” Raemer notes.

“A mother lies down with her small children, waiting for the crowd to thin out, hoping there won’t be another rocket attack in the meantime but ready to cover their little bodies with hers.”

Fortunately, the Iron Dome intercepted the rocket and there were no casualties.

However, Raemer says, 16 people were treated for anxiety, including two who were taken to hospital. “Psychological care teams arrived at the scene to care for people, and the Sderot mayor ordered all psychological centers opened for whoever needs attention.”