United with Israel

IDF Forces Thwart Two Terror Attacks Overnight

IDF night

IDF forces. (IDF)

Palestinian terrorists carried out another two terror attacks against Israelis late Tuesday night. 

The string of Palestinian terror attacks on Tuesday continued late in to the night, as IDF forces responded to another two terror attacks, successfully thwarting them.

On Tuesday night, two Palestinian terrorists attacked IDF soldiers stationed in Hebron and lightly wounded one of them. The soldiers responded with fire and killed the two, aged 15 and 17.

The IDF is investigating the possibility that the two terrorists intended to attack a group of Israeli teenagers who were in the vicinity.

Later the same night, a 15-year-old female Palestinian attempted to infiltrate the Israeli community of Yitzhar, in Samaria, while carrying a knife. She was spotted by IDF troops, who shot and wounded her. She was treated by IDF medics.

Tuesday saw a long string of Palestinian terror attacks, mostly in the Hebron region were Palestinians have carried out 13 terror attacks in the past nine days.

On Tuesday afternoon, a Palestinian terrorist rammed his car into a group of Israelis waiting at a bus stop at the Gush Etzion junction on the outskirts of Jerusalem and just north of Hebron. He then attempted to stab bystanders. A civilian and a soldier were injured in the attack before the attacker was shot and killed.

Earlier in the day, a 24-year-old Palestinian terrorist was shot dead by Israeli forces after he stabbed an Israeli military officer and lightly wounded him. This incident occurred during a violent Palestinian protest.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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