(Albert Sadikov/Flash90/File)
IDF Artillery

The IDF shelled two military positions used by the Syrian army in the Golan Heights late Sunday in response to stray fire that landed in the vicinity of Israel’s security fence late Saturday and which luckily injured no one.

The IDF stated on Monday that it directed accurate artillery fire at the two positions, which were destroyed.

“The [stray] fire did not risk the residents of the region or our forces,” the IDF stated. “The IDF does not intervene in the war in Syria, but is determined to protect Israel’s citizens and respond to any irregular incident.”

Opposing factions in Syria’s civil war have been battling heavily in recent weeks in the area adjacent to Israel’s northern border.

There have been several incidents of fire straying from the Syrian conflict into Israeli territory. The IDF has previously responded with artillery shelling or an air strike against Syrian army positions or those used by the rebels, in most cases against the source of the stray fire.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel