Iran march

A new report exposes how Iran has used its embassies to build a global terror network. 

By: United with Israel Staff

A report by Iranian dissidents has exposed how the Islamic Republic of Iran employs terrorist operatives abroad at their embassies, abusing the legal protection to which such employees are entitled under the diplomatic immunity doctrine, the Washington Times reported this week.

The report details how in multiple locations around the globe, from Austria to Albania to Iraq, Iran has turned its embassies into “terrorism planning sites” to meddle in the affairs of host governments and hunt down the opposition, according to the report by the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

The coalition includes the MEK, which operates spy networks in Iran.

The report, “Iran Doubles Down on Terror and Turmoil,” presents an assessment of Iran’s foreign interventions in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, and its terrorism-sponsored plots in Europe.

“The mullahs’ regime has funneled billions of dollars to finance its belligerent war agenda in the Middle East while the majority of Iran’s people are living in poverty,” the report states. “As the regime’s officials have conceded, if the regime fails to inflame wars outside Iran’s borders, it would have to fight for survival within Iran’s borders. This is because external conflicts draw attention away from domestic crises.”

In Syria alone, the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) controls as many as 100,000 troops, comprised of Shi’ite volunteers coming from Lebanon and Afghanistan.

During a Fourth of July event this year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed that European leaders had invited Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani to attend a meeting on the nuclear deal, during the same week that the Islamic regime had dispatched a terrorist cell to carry out a major attack in Paris on a dissident rally.

The commander of the cell was an Iranian diplomat in Austria. Operating on Israeli intelligence provided by the Mossad, European officials exposed the plot, and the cell members were arrested in France, Belgium and Germany.

Iran remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, the Trump administration said in an annual report in September.

The State Department’s annual survey of global terrorism accused Iran of intensifying numerous conflicts and trying to undermine governments throughout the Middle East and beyond. Iran’s “terrorist affiliates and proxies,” the report said, “demonstrated a near-global terrorist reach.”