United with Israel

Iranian Leader: Arm ‘West Bank’ Terrorists to Destroy Israel

Ayatollah Khamenei. (Photo: breitbart.com)

Ayatollah Khamenei. (Photo: breitbart.com)

Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s “Supreme Leader,” called for Israel’s destruction via Twitter on Saturday, suggesting it can be accomplished by arming Arabs in the “West Bank.”

“This barbaric, wolflike & infanticidal regime of Israel which spares no crime has no cure but to be annihilated,” Iran’s Ayatollah Khameini wrote in a tweet on Saturday, calling for Israel’s destruction.

He then suggested, in what seems to be a follow-up message, that the “West Bank should be armed just like Gaza. Friends of Palestine should do their best to arm People in West Bank,” referring to the Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority-administered territories in Judea and Samaria.

The “HandsOffAlAqsa” signature is also enlightening, considering the increased Arab violence in Jerusalem and particularly surrounding the Temple Mount, the holiest site to Jews and where the Al-Aqsa mosque is situated. Palestinian Authority chair Mahmoud Abbas, who denies any historical Jewish connection to the site, has been inciting Palestinian Arabs to prevent Jews from praying at the site “in any way.”

Iran: Regional Supporter of Terror

Iran is the primary sponsor of the Hezbollah terror organization operating out of Lebanon. Iran also provides arms to Hamas terrorists in Gaza, and the IDF had intercepted some of these shipments.

Khamenei’s tweet comes just days after it was revealed that U.S. President Barack Obama had sent a secret letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, urging Iran to reach a nuclear deal, without informing Israel.

Reports continue to emerge from Washington that the Obama Administration and Iran have improved their diplomatic ties and have secretly begun to collaborate on various mutual regional interests, such as fighting the Islamic State.

As the November 24 deadline for ending the talks between Iran and the Western powers nears, and as Washington seems intent on making concessions in order to reach a deal with Tehran, the level of apprehension in Jerusalem heightens.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned the West against making a deal that would allow the Islamic Republic to continue its nuclear agenda.

Meeting with Obama in October, Netanyahu told the U.S. leader: “As you know, Mr. President, Iran seeks a deal that would lift the tough sanctions you worked so hard to put in place, and leave it as a threshold nuclear power, and I fervently hope that under your leadership that would not happen.”

You Can Fight Back against Iran!

The discussions between Iran and the West regarding Iran’s nuclear aspirations are at a crucial point. Israel fears that the Obama Administration will ease the sanctions on Iran to gain diplomatic points. We MUST ensure that Iran does not become nuclear.  To sign a petition demanding NOT to ease sanctions on Iran at Israel’s expense, click HERE.

Author: United with Israel Staff

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