United with Israel

Horror: ISIS Uses 10 Year Old Child to Execute Prisoners

Ten-year-old boy executing two prisoners for ISIS. (Source: Twitter)

ISIS recently used a 10-year-old boy to execute two prisoners. The terror organization continues to indoctrinate the next generation with its extreme Islamic fundamentalist ideology.

The Islamic State terrorist organization has distributed a clip in which a 10-year-old boy is seen shooting two alleged Russian spies in the head. A grown man standing next to the child reads out the condemned sentences.

The two executed men were purportedly FSB (Russian intelligence agency) officers sent to spy on ISIS and gather intelligence on “Caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. One of them admitted to being a Kafir (infidel), having converted from Islam. The two men are seen confessing to their “sins” against ISIS and are then executed by the child.

The boy had previously appeared in another ISIS clip on the training and indoctrination of children in which children as young as five and six years of age respond to questions from terrorists, saying, for example, “kill all the infidels…because they killed Muslims,” and repeating slogans such as: “The Islamic State is here to stay!”

The Next Generation of Islamic Terrorists

ISIS invests seriously in indoctrinating the next generation Islamic fighters.

ISIS has reportedly shut down educational facilities in areas under its control, putting 670,000 children out of school because they were being taught modern and secular subjects, such as science and math. Schools will be reopened only after the curriculum is Islamicized. Teachers are undergoing special indoctrination.

ISIS’s education begins in the crib. A handbook, titled “Sister’s Role in Jihad,” with guidelines on how to optimally raise a baby to become a Jihadist fighter, was authored by an unknown Islamic source and dispersed by ISIS.

Steven Stalinsky, executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which exposed the handbook, explained: “No matter what happens in Iraq and Syria in the near future, the next generation – the children of [Islamic State “caliph” Abu Bakr al-] Baghdadi and grandchildren of [Osama] bin Laden — have already been brainwashed to hate the West and to strive for jihad and martyrdom.”

By: United Israel Staff

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Petition to the United States and World Powers:

We urge our leaders to reject all supporters of Islamic Terror. Do NOT join forces with Iran, Hamas and other extremists to fight ISIS. Unite with Your Friends - Not with Your Enemies.


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