Haim Tzach/GPO
Nechama Rivlin

The president of Israel’s wife, Nechama Rivlin, passed away Tuesday morning.

By United With Israel Staff

Israel’s First Lady, Nechama Rivlin, passed away Tuesday morning, three months after receiving a lung transplant.

Nechama was not only beloved to her husband, President Reuven Rivlin and family, but also beloved to the Nation of Israel.

She would have been 74 years old tomorrow.

The First Lady suffered from pulmonary fibrosis. She underwent a single lung transplant in March, following a lengthy waiting period for a lung donation. The procedure was performed in Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikva and considered a success.

However, Rivlin never fully recovered after the transplant. She continued to suffer from shortness of breath due to cardiac complications.

It is reported that doctors worked tirelessly to stabilize the first lady, which involved complex rehabilitation efforts.

The chest, lung, cardiology and intensive care unit medical teams remained with Rivlin around-the-clock doing all they could to save her.

In a statement, the medical center shared, “This is a sad day for all of us at the medical center. The hospital staff is mourning. We embrace the family and send our condolences to the President of the State, her children, her grandchildren and Nechama’s family,” they said. “We support the family during these difficult times. A noble family that supported and enveloped Mrs. Rivlin during her long hospitalization. May the memory be blessed.”

Rivlin was born in Moshav Herut, located in central Israel. She worked as a researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the departments of zoology, ecology, and genetics before retiring in 2007.

The Rivlins have three children, Rivka, Anat, and Ran, and numerous grandchildren.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of Rivlin’s passing, “Together with all the citizens of Israel, my wife Sara and I express deep sorrow for the passing of the wife of the president, Nechama Rivlin. We all prayed for her healing during the last period in which she fought bravely and intensely for her life. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the president and to all his family.”

“Together with all the citizens of Israel, I share the sorrow of President Rivlin for the passing away of his wife Nechama,” former justice minister Ayelet Shaked tweeted. “The Rivlins were a model couple, an example of truth and love. I got to know Nechama in recent years and discovered a wonderful personality with a tremendous love for the state and the citizens of Israel. May her memory be blessed.”

The funeral for Nechama Rivlin will be tomorrow, at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem.