(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Seeking to stop the wave of Palestinian terror attacks, Israel is resorting to all employable legal measures in the war on terror.

Aryeh Deri

Minister Aryeh Deri. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Minister of Interior Aryeh Deri on Thursday revoked the residency status enjoyed by four Palestinian terrorists who committed terror attacks in Jerusalem in October and were responsible for murdering four Israelis.

“It is inconceivable that a person who has murdered Israelis and harmed state security will continue to enjoy its privileges,” stated Deri. “From now on, all terrorists will know that their acts of terror will have implications beyond spending time in prison.”

Three of the terrorists threw stones at Israeli cars on the Jewish New Year, causing the death of Alexander Levlovitz, 64, who was returning from a holiday meal, and seriously wounding another Israeli.

The fourth terrorist, Bilal Abu Ghanem, 21, boarded a bus in the capital with an accomplice and shot and stabbed its passengers, murdering three and wounding several others.His accomplice was killed by Israeli forces during the attack, and his home was recently razed.

“This is an outstanding step,” Deri said, “however, the severity of their actions completely justifies my decision. These terrorists took advantage of their freedom of movement while committing their attacks, a freedom they attained as a result of their residency status.”

Deri emphasized the fact that Israeli residency status entailed obligation and basic loyalty to the Jewish State. “Residency status is not about privileges devoid of commitments.”

Israel has been employing several measure to combat the wave of almost-daily Palestinian terror attacks that have claimed the lives of 28 victims and wounded over 280.

Israel’s anti-terror tactics include the destroying of terrorist’s homes and several other legal measures to toughen sentences given to terrorists in court.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel