Israel car repair

Engie, an Israeli app that aims to revolutionize the car repair industry, has announced a $3.5 million investment round. The app allows drivers to connect to the car’s computer, understand the car’s health, know how much the repair will cost, and choose the best mechanic nearby.

Almost 100,000 users and 200 mechanics have joined Engie since it was launched in Israel last year. The U.S. and UK version of the product were recently added to Google Play.

“We saw an amazing market response in Israel because Engie solves a big consumer pain and offers a much better experience when it comes to car maintenance,” said co-founder and CEO Yarden Gross. “This investment will help expand into other markets where drivers lose millions of dollars due to unnecessary repairs. Engie’s goal is to create a better experience to drivers around the world, offer them control over the car’s health and of course save money.”

By: TheTower.org/Israel21c.org
