United with Israel

Israeli Arab Lawmaker Promotes Israel ‘Apartheid’ Lie at NYU

MK Zoabi during the discussion over her disqualification. (Photo: Hadas Parush/Flash90)

MK Zoabi during the discussion over her disqualification. (Photo: Hadas Parush/Flash90)

Israeli-Arab parliamentarian Hanin Zoabi will address students at New York University on April 24 to promote the falsehood that Israel is an apartheid state.

Justice Salim Joubran (R), an Arab-Israeli judge in the Supreme Court, was appointed new head of the Israeli electoral committee, seen with Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein. (Isaac Harari/FLASH90)

In an event on April 24 titled “Israeli Racism and Apartheid: An Insider’s View,” hosted by the New York University (NYU) chapter of the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Member of Knesset (MK) Hanin Zoabi, an Israeli Arab who was democratically elected to the Knesset, will promulgate the lie that Israel is an apartheid state.

SJP actively promotes the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions) movement.

This is despite the fact that Israeli Arabs are employed by and receive services at all government offices. They study at all universities, including Ariel University in Samaria, and serve as judges, IDF officers and parliamentarians.

Israel’s national election in March brought 13 seats to the United Arab List, of which Zoabi is a member, making the party the country’s third-largest political faction.

The new Knesset (Israeli parliament) includes 16 non-Jewish MKs – four more than the previous Knesset.

Approximately 20 percent of Israel’s eight million citizens are Arab. According to the latest Israeli Democracy Index, 65 percent of Israeli-Arabs are proud to be Israeli.

Staunch Anti-Israel Activist with Ties to Terror

Zoabi is well-known as an activist against the Jewish state who has ties to terror.

MK Hanin Zoabi at the Knesset. (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Israel’s Central Elections Committee had ruled before the elections to disqualify Zoabi from running based on her anti-Israel and pro-terror actions and rhetoric. The High Court of Justice later overturned the ruling.

Among her most notorious anti-Israel and pro-terror actions was her participation in the violent Mavi Marmara flotilla from Turkey to Gaza in 2010 that was meant to undermine Israeli sovereignty and send weaponry to Hamas.

On one occasion she said that Israel has “no right to a normal life.” In another instance she claimed that “the Israeli occupation” was behind the murder of Israelis in Bulgaria. Hezbollah was implicated in that terror attack.

She also stated that the Hamas terrorists who kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teens last summer were “not terrorists.”

In yet another outrageous comment in October, she accused the IDF of being worse than the Islamic State (ISIS) terror organization. According to Zoabi, “[ISIS] kills one person every time with their knives, but the IDF kills dozens of Palestinians with the push of a button,” characterizing an IDF air force pilot as “no less a terrorist than those who take knives and cut off heads.”

By: United with Israel Staff

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