Homebiogas Tevagas

Israeli biotechnology company, Homebiogas, recently installed the first bio-digester system that turns organic waste into clean renewable energy at an orphanage in Uganda.

“These children lit up when they discovered the HomeBiogas magic — that they can transform their waste and produce their very own energy,” said Yair Teller, HomeBiogas chief scientist and cofounder, Israel21c reported.

The biogas system is family-sized, converting kitchen leftovers and animal manure into cooking gas lasting three hours a day. In addition, the system generates a high quality liquid fertilizer through anaerobic digestion of the waste.

The bio-digester is increasing its popularity across the globe.

“We’ve received orders from various distributors in many countries, such as Australia, Nigeria and Costa Rica, that want to set up demo installations,” said Ami Amir, who heads marketing and business development for HomeBiogas. “About 70 different countries are interested in establishing distributorships. So evidently we are answering a need,” he said.

Homebiogas raised 200 percent of its $100,000 goal in an Indiegogo campaign. The system will retail at $1500.

By: JNS.org