Ministry of Defense

Security inspectors at the Tarqumiya crossing near Hebron thwarted an attempt last week to smuggle a massive amount of weapons parts and equipment destined for a Palestinian production plant.


An Israeli vehicle and two passengers arrived at the Tarqumiya crossing on its Israeli side and were stopped for examination after arousing the suspicion of the security inspectors. The search of the vehicle exposed a large amount of equipment, which is suspected to have been on its way to a Palestinian Authority weapons production plant in the area.

The equipment included parts and springs for weapons, silencers, various types of bullets, drills and lathes.

The driver claimed in a preliminary investigation that he was working at a trucking company and that he was sent to move the equipment without knowing what it was.

The equipment was seized, and the driver was transferred to the Israeli police for questioning.

Ministry of Defense official Erez Sidon praised the security guards and authorities at the crossing. “We prepare for these types of scenarios throughout the year.”

Their actions “prevented smuggling which could have led to the harming of citizens,” he noted.

Israeli forces have been conducting an ongoing campaign against illegal weapons production and trade in the PA.

The forces have shut down dozens of weapons production plants in Judea and Samaria and have seized tens of machines and hundreds of weapons.

Israeli forces have arrested hundreds of suspects tied to the production and sale of illegal weapons, used in many cases against Israeli civilians in terror attacks.