(AP/Markus Schreiber)
Security check after evacuation of Hanover soccer stadium due to Islamic terror threats. (AP/Markus Schreiber)

It was Israeli intelligence that warned of pending terror attacks in Hanover, Germany, thereby saving thousands of lives.

A soccer stadium in the northern German city of Hanover was evacuated when explosives were discovered in a parked ambulance outside on Tuesday last week.

A friendly soccer match between Germany and the Netherlands was cancelled 90 minutes before the game was scheduled to begin. Hanover’s police chief said authorities had “concrete information” about a bomb threat.

Hanover’s TUI-Arena was also evacuated ahead of a musical performance.

German magazine Stern reported that the information came from Israeli intelligence, which told security officials of multiple pending attacks modeled on the terror in Paris that took place the previous Friday, claiming 130 lives and wounding more than 350.

The day after the slaughter in Paris, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the world to unite together against the threat of Islamic terrorism, which, he said, threatens Western civilization as a whole. Israel “stands shoulder-to-shoulder with France in this common battle against militant Islamic terrorism,” he stated.

“Israel will provide all the necessary assistance to France, as always, in the fight against Islamic terrorism, both in terms of intelligence as well as operationally. These are also the instructions that were given to the security services in Israel after the attack,” Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon told his French counterpart, Jean-Yves Le Drian, after the attacks.

“We are on the same page with regard to the fight against this terrorism which threatens the Middle East, Europe and the rest of the world. We are here to provide you with any assistance required, as always, and are ready to continue the extensive cooperation between the two countries in the resolute and determined war that is required of all of us against Islamic terrorism,” Ya’alon said.

Top government officials, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, had been scheduled to attend the Hanover match in order to signal that Germany would not bow to terrorism.

The Belgian city of Brussels remains on high alert since Saturday, when the government warned of a threat of Paris-style terror attacks.

By: United with Israel Staff

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