Aliza Lavie

“Meaningless one-sided decisions do not advance dialogue,” Israeli parliamentarian Aliza Lavie warned the Europeans, in reference to their resolution condemning the US. 

By: United with Israel Staff

An Israeli lawmaker took her European colleagues to task for their condemnation of the US’ recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Member of Knesset Aliza Lavie, head of the Knesset delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), addressed the organization on Thursday in Strasburg, France, and urged it to amend a draft resolution condemning the US’ decision.

The draft resolution, which was submitted to PACE’s Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy at the initiative of Palestinian delegates, states that “the role of the USA as a serious broker in the peace process was undoubtedly undermined by the declaration of its President on Jerusalem.”

The Palestinians have declared that the US can no longer serve as a broker in the diplomatic process, and are seeking another international mediator more favorable to their positions.

The draft also condemns Israeli construction in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem, arguing that such activity is “undermining the feasibility of the two-state solution.”

”The fact that this parliamentary assembly has expressed interest in the situation in Israel and the PA is a positive matter. The Assembly’s desire to see real progress between the parties is welcome, at face value,” she said.

‘Obsessive Preoccupation’ with Israel

However, the resolution “is another expression of an obsessive preoccupation with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which has further distanced this assembly from becoming real partners for promoting dialogue,’ she stated.

She said she was “deeply concerned” that there are those who will use this resolution to avoid discussions on the core issues, while “there is no alternative to real and direct negotiations between the state of Israel and the Palestinians.”

“Meaningless one sided decisions do not advance dialogue,” she said of the anti-US resolution. “On the contrary, they undermine peace and encourage the Palestinians to keep attacking Israel in the international forums,” she said.

If the Europeans are interested in addressing the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Lavie suggested they do so “in a more thorough and constructive manner than the present urgent process.”

She suggested that they begin with “recognition of some basic facts such as the ancient ties between the Jewish People and Israel its homeland, including the capital of Jerusalem.

She further noted that “recent statements by the Palestinian leadership fall sadly short in this regard. Instead, they seem to be stoking the coals, inciting public opinion to sabotage any future dialogue. At this point, the Palestinian Authority leadership is refusing to return to the negotiating table and has repeatedly announced it will reject any peace plan proposed by the Trump government.”

She urged the European countries to “not encourage Palestinian rejectionism or unilateral attempts to appeal to international organizations.”

“Such efforts to force Israel’s hand only make dialogue for peace a more remote possibility,” she concluded.
