Roni Ofer/Flash90
Torched car

Over the past day, 74 suspects were arrested for illegal possession of weapons and assaulting police officers.

By Aryeh Savir, TPS

Police forces operating throughout the country on Monday arrested 74 Arabs suspected of involvement in the violence and riots perpetrated by Muslims during the IDF’s Operation Guardian of the Walls against Hamas.

Following the violent incidents that Israel was faced with in the past two weeks, the police launched Operation Law and Order, in which thousands of policemen and Border Police troops are operating at high intensity and in a comprehensive deployment against the rioters, criminals, and all those involved in the violence.

Over the past day, 74 suspects were arrested for involvement in disorderly conduct, illegal possession of weapons and assaulting police officers during the events.

This activity is a continuation of the polices activity in the last two weeks in which more than 1,550 arrests were made and about 150 indictments were filed, some with a large number of defendants.

During the night, Israeli police officers and border guards arrested 38 detainees who participated in riots, stone-throwing, bottle-throwing fireworks launching, and attacks on the police in riots in Jerusalem. The suspects were arrested and taken for further investigation.

Other suspects at various locations in the country were arrested for illegal weapons possession, arson, and violent attacks on police forces and Jews.

Jerusalem’s police arrested three suspects for insulting police officers and chanting racist slogans in the last few days.

The police opened an investigation following the publication of videos posted on social media in which a 25-year-old suspect, a resident of al-Azaim, is seen making obscene gestures toward police officers working in the Old City last Friday. The suspect was arrested by Border Police undercover officers.

In another video, a suspect, 40 and a resident of Lod, is seen making derogatory remarks and chanting racist slogans. The suspect was arrested by the police of the Jerusalem Central Unit and transferred for further investigation.

In another video, a suspect, 17, is seen insulting police officers stationed at the Damascus Gate.

Jerusalem District Commander Doron Turgeman explained that the policy is “zero tolerance for offenses against police officers, the Israeli police will not allow police officers to be harmed, [or] disorderly conduct and violent rioting that endanger police forces and the public.”

This means that the police will “pursue all those involved in these events and bring them to justice,” he said.
