(Photo: Therapee)

Therapee, a new discovery in Israel, brings a solution to the bedwetting nightmare suffered by millions, including parents and children, across the globe.

Bedwetting is the second-most common childhood condition in the world, and yet, parents and children often choose to keep the issue far under wraps.  In fact, despite being a condition that affects millions of children and their parents on a nightly basis, it is often ignored and under-treated because of the stigma associated with it.

But there is some good news for sufferers. Two Israeli enuresis (bedwetting) treatment experts, Dr. Jacob Sagie and his son Tal, have created Therapee, a safe bedwetting treatment method based on their 30 years of treating more than 30,000 patients. Therapee is now available to children all over the world.

“A major problem lies in the lack of information and helpful resources for the parents,” says Tal. “Most pediatricians recommend waiting for the child to outgrow nighttime accidents, or some will prescribe medication which can have side effects and a high relapse rate. All the while, the child is distressed and embarrassed and the parents feel helpless and frustrated.”

As a young father, Jacob encountered just that. When Tal was having accidents and waking up in a wet bed every night, Jacob took him to doctors who ran extensive tests but found no medical cause. As a behavioral therapist, Jacob began researching the condition and decided to try using some of his techniques together with the help of an external stimulus – a bedwetting alarm. The results were startling and within a few weeks, Tal was completely dry.

Therapee: Over 90-Percent Success Rate

“The use of a bedwetting alarm is not something new,” says Dr. Sagie. “What we have discovered, however, is that the use of an external stimulus such as an alarm coupled with our behavioral therapy techniques has an over 90% success rate with our patients. And now, with TheraPee, children anywhere in the world can safely and effectively learn the necessary techniques to end their bedwetting nightmares.”

How does it work? TheraPee is essentially an online, at-home, tailor-made treatment session with a virtual therapist, just as the patient would experience in Sagie’s popular clinics in Israel and abroad. Using the data and information input by the parent or child into the program, which can be accessed from any home computer, a sophisticated algorithm pulls from the hundreds of videos recorded by Tal to create the appropriate response and method geared to that specific patient. The child fills in a virtual chart, which helps the program to analyze the progress of the patient and is given feedback and exercises based on age and other criteria.

The TheraPee kit includes a login code to the program as well as a top-of-the-line bedwetting alarm and ultra-sensitive pad. In the case of a nighttime accident, the alarm is sounded at the first hint of wetness.

“A very common mistake of parents is thinking that the alarm is meant to wake the child and then give up because the child is such a deep sleeper,” Jacob says. “The job of the alarm is to teach the brain the signal needed to either wake up to go to the bathroom or to be able to hold it in until the morning.”

“Millions of people around the world – children and their parents – suffer every night from bedwetting.  We know this will make a big difference in their lives and help children gain back their self confidence.”

To find out more about Therapee, click HERE.

Written by: United with Israel Staff