(Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)
Benjamin Netanyahu

“The time has come for the world to unite in the fight against terrorist organizations,” the Israeli premier declared.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the free world to band together and overcome the global threat of terrorism posed by radical Islam.

Speaking at the beginning of the weekly Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Netanyahu spoke of the seventeenth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks on the Twin Towers, which killed some 3,000 Americans, noting that “the awful terrorist attack against the American people” was carried out by Al-Qaida, which “passed the torch to Daesh [Arabic acronym for the Islamic State terror group], even as Iran promotes international terrorism.”

“The world is being challenged by radical Islam, radical Shiites on the one hand led by Iran, and radical Sunnis led by Daesh,” he warned, highlighting their shared “single goal – to eliminate the free societies, as we recognize, to eliminate Israel and in the end to eliminate the West and others as well.”

“The time has come for the world to unite in the fight against terrorist organizations,” the Israeli premier declared.

So far, the free world is “doing so to a certain extent against Daesh but it is not doing so against Iran. On the contrary, what we are seeing is that while Iran is sending terrorist cells to Europe, European leaders are appeasing – and reconciling with – Iran, in the same week that the terrorist cells were due to carry out their operations, which we helped thwart. This is unacceptable,” he said.

Israel was a key player in preventing an Iranian terror attack in Paris. In July, an Iran-led international terror cell was arrested based on information supplied by Israel’s Mossad spy agency, preventing major casualties at an Iranian anti-regime rally.

At a July 4 reception in honor of American Independence Day, Netanyahu referred to the attack while expressing amazement at continuing European efforts to keep up a relationship with Iran.

“This Iranian terror plot was planned on European soil in the same week that the European leaders are supposed to meet the president of Iran about circumventing the sanctions on Iran. Stop funding the very regime that is sponsoring terrorism against you and against so many others. Stop appeasing Iran,” he urged.

Netanyahu repeated this message on Wednesday when he said that “the appeasement of Iran abets the relentless assault on the values and security of free societies, and the time has come for Western governments to join the strong and clear effort by the Trump administration against the terror regime in Tehran.”

US President Donald Trump is leading a forceful campaign against Tehran which has hit Iran’s economy, causing its currency (the rial) to collapse. This process will likely be compounded by further US sanctions coming in November that threaten Iran’s oil exports.

However, European countries have been seeking ways to circumvent US sanctions to somehow salvage the nuclear deal with Iran.