
“Open to all, minus cops and Zionists,” read the poster for a “Day of Action” event hosted by a group called Muslims for Abolition.

By United with Israel Staff

Anti-Israel provocateur Linda Sarsour serves as executive director of an organization called MPower Change, which describes itself as the “largest Muslim digital advocacy organization in the US with a membership over a quarter million.”

MPower Change promoted an event held on Friday entitled “New York City Day of Action,” which was hosted by “Muslims for Abolition.”

The poster that Sarsour’s organization used to promote the event on social media is telling: it explicitly says “open to all, minus cops and Zionists.”

The popular website Israellycool commented on the poster, “Why not just say ‘no Jews allowed‘ and be done with it?”

According to the Jewish Agency, Zionism’s mission is “to re-establish a Jewish homeland in the Land of Israel.”

Apparently, this Sarsour-sanctioned event did not want any individuals who believe in a “Jewish homeland in the Land of Israel” to attend this event, or any person who works in law enforcement.

Sarsour’s anti-Israel activism includes support for the BDS movement, which seeks to eliminate the State of Israel. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Sarsour’s BDS advocacy “encourages and spreads anti-Semitism.”