(AP/Majdi Mohammed)
Palestinian education

This summer, refusing to recognize Israel’s existence in any borders and anticipating a world without Israel, is a major theme of PA summer camps.

By Itamar Marcus, The Algemeiner

Every summer, Palestinian Authority (PA) summer camps actively indoctrinate children with the PA’s hate and terror messages.

One of the fundamental motivations for Palestinian hate and terror has always been Palestinian denial of Israel’s right to exist. Even after the Oslo Accords, when it spoke to its own people, the PA has presented all of Israel as “occupied Palestine,” Israeli cities as “Palestinian cities,” and presented the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and PA map of the world, in which “Palestine” replaces Israel, as an achievable goal.

This summer, refusing to recognize Israel’s existence in any borders and anticipating a world without Israel, is a major theme of PA summer camps.

Anticipating a World Without Israel

The PA summer camps present children with a future world without Israel in many ways:

-Displays of the map of “Palestine” that erases Israel and replaces it with a state of “Palestine” — symbolized by the colors of the PA flag covering all of Israel.

-The children participate in activities where they themselves draw this map of a world without Israel.

-Images of the map are painted onto children’s faces and arms.

-Arts and crafts with the map, and more.

To make sure that the message is perfectly clear, all the following Israeli cities are named and presented as “Palestinian” cities: Haifa, Jaffa, Tiberias, Acre, Ashkelon, Lod, Beit Shean, Safed, Nazareth, Be’er Sheva, Jerusalem, Ramle, and the Negev.

The following are examples of visuals used in the PLO summer camps that the PA uses to create an atmosphere of a world without Israel:

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 18, 2023

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 18, 2023

The large key in the colors of the Palestinian flag above, represents what the PA calls the refugees’ “right of return.”

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 18, 2023

“Palestine” is written on the PA map that includes all of Israel.

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 14, 2023

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 18, 2023

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 20, 2023

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 20, 2023

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 20, 2023

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 20, 2023

Khirbet Al-Adas Youth Center, Facebook page, July 20, 2023

Children at the PLO summer camps draw the PA map of “Palestine” that erases Israel:

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 11, 2023

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 12, 2023

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 12, 2023

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 12, 2023


Text on the flower pot: “The Palestinian Cities” PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 12, 2023

Inside the flowerpot are paper “flowers” with PA flags and names of Israeli cities misrepresented as “Palestinian cities”: “Lod, Haifa, Jaffa, Tiberias, Acre, Ashkelon, Beit Shean, Safed, Nazareth, Be’er Sheva the Negev, Ramallah. All Israeli cities and regions except for Ramallah.

Text on the below balloons are mostly Israeli cities: “Acre, Haifa, Ashkelon, Jerusalem, Ramle, Be’er Sheva (i.e., all Israeli cities). Ballons also have names Hebron, Jenin, and Tulkarem:”

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 12, 2023

The picture shows a child pointing at the PA map of “Palestine” that includes the names of Israeli cities: Safed, Acre, Tiberias, Haifa, Jaffa, Be’er Sheva. It also includes Palestinian cities Jenin, Qalqilya, Tulkarem, Ramallah, Jericho, Bethlehem, Gaza Strip:

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 12, 2023

This picture shows a girl holding a decoration in the shape of the PA map of “Palestine.” On the table behind her is a box with “Returning” written on it, which has several round signs sticking out of it with the names of the following Israeli cities written on them: “Haifa, Tiberias, Nazareth, Ramle, Jaffa, Ashkelon, Safed, Acre, Lod.”

Posted text: “Pictures from the joy of our children in the northern [West Bank] district” PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 20, 2023

One summer camp even painted the PA map that erases Israel on Palestinian children’s bodies. The top picture shows a Palestinian camp counselor in the summer camp painting a girl’s face in the shape of the PA map of “Palestine” in the colors of the PA flag:

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 18, 2023

Map of “Palestine” drawn on girl’s hand. On the map is written “Palestine.” PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 17, 2023

The children also paint the PA map that erases Israel on arts and crafts projects that they will be taking home:

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 17, 2023

A large key representing the Palestinian refugees’ “right of return” with the word “Returning” written on it. PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 16, 2023

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 12, 2023

Children are taught about “Palestine” which will replace Israel in PA summer camps:

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 13, 2023


PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 18, 2023

In a classroom in PA summer camp in Jerusalem, children are taught that “Palestine” includes all of Israel. “Palestine,” The Mediterranean Sea, Sea of Galilee, and Dead Sea are all marked on the map:

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 18, 2023


PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Facebook page, July 12, 2023

These maps and messages reconfirm the PA ideology that Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) has exposed, which shows the PA’s goal is Israel’s destruction and replacement by a state of “Palestine”.

This also reconfirms other children’s education PMW exposed in Fatah’s Waed educational magazine for young children:

-“The period of Zionism will eventually pass … as Palestine is the property of the Palestinian people and it will always remain so”

-“There is no invader … who did not leave it [Palestine] defeated.”

-“At the end of the period of French colonialism … [the French] all fled … Algeria’s experience assures that the Jewish settlers in Palestine will disappear in the end.”

See more in PMW’s report on Fatah’s Waed magazine for children.

Itamar Marcus is the Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch, where a version of this article first appeared.