(AP/Adel Hana)
Palestinian protesters

Palestinian rioters on the Gaza border received detailed instructions on how to commit acts of terrorism under the cover of the “March of the Return.”

By: United with Israel Staff and PMW

Two Palestinian Facebook pages and a forum directing rioters in Gaza gave explicit instructions to murder and kidnap Israelis on Monday, May 14, the day the US embassy opened in Jerusalem, as well as suggestions on how to accomplish this goal.

It is not clear if Hamas itself was the group sending these messages. What is critical is that Gazans were encouraged to bring weapons to the demonstrations and use these weapons to either murder or capture Israelis.

The detailed instructions recommended bringing weapons to the supposedly peaceful demonstrations on the Gaza border fence, murdering “soldiers and settlers,” and kidnapping Israeli citizens for use as bargaining chips to impose conditions on Israel

Addressing the “rebelling young people,” the sites ask rioters to bring weapons and leave them concealed, “except if you identify one of the [Israeli] soldiers or settlers. Do not kill Israeli civilians, instead hand them over to the resistance [Hamas] immediately, because this is the point that Israel fears, as it knows that the capturer can set any condition he wants.”

The instructions also described how masses of Palestinians would “collectively” breach the security fence aided by bulldozers, “while being aided by loudspeakers and calls of ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is greatest in Arabic) by the masses.”

Gazans were also instructed not to tend to “the wounded or the Martyrs” and not to offer aid, but to concentrate on “the battlefield.”

“The portrayal of the events in Gaza by some news agencies as peaceful demonstrations is clearly false,” concluded Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), which reported on the instructions.