Sheik Khaled Al-Maghrabi

Temple Mount riot

Masked Palestinians throw stones at Israeli police on the Temple Mount. (Sliman Khader/Flash 90)

Not for the first time, a Palestinian preacher was recorded inciting to terror against Israelis and hatred of Jews. This time, his target audience was children.   

Palestinian religious leaders continue to use their pulpit for preaching hatred and anti-Semitism and to incite to violence against Israelis.

One of the latest incidents occurred Sunday when Sheikh Khaled Al-Maghrabi was recorded preaching “martyrdom” and Jihad – holy war – to children on the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem.

“The martyr would be married off to two virgins in paradise,” Al-Maghrabi was recorded as saying in a clip released by MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute).


After several minutes of lecturing and inciting, a passerby attempted to scold him, saying that he should not be teaching such notions to children and that he should be ashamed. “You can teach lessons like this to adults like us, not to them. Look at what you’re planting in their minds,” he asserted.

In response, the sheikh led the children in chants in praise of martyrdom and of “Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews.”

Khaybar is an Arabic symbol for extermination of the Jews, referring to Mohammed’s conquering of Khaybar, the largest Jewish settlement in Arabia in the seventh century.

Al-Maghrabi and the children, who were attending his summer camp at the Al-Aqsa mosque, were later prevented from entering the compound because of the Palestinian riots on the Temple Mount meant to prevent the entry of Jews into the holy site.

Not an Isolated Incident

This incitement to violence is not an isolated incident among Palestinians.

In March, a prominent Palestinian political researcher took advantage of the stage he was given at Al-Aqsa mosque to incite against America and call for an all-Muslim war against “true terrorism.”

In December 2014, Sheik Omar Abu Sara, a Palestinian preacher, was documented calling to slaughter the Jews, whom he described as “the most evil of Allah’s creations.”

In November 2014, Ali Abu Ahmad, another Palestinian preacher at the mosque, was documented praying for the annihilation of Israel, America and the coalition fighting the Islamic State terrorists.

By: United with Israel Staff

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