kiryat gat terror

The latest terror attack occurred in Kiryat Gat when a terrorist attacked an IDF soldier. The terrorist was killed shortly after.

A Palestinian terrorist was shot dead Wednesday in Kiryat Gat in southern Israel after he assaulted an IDF soldier and took his weapon.

The terrorist, Amjad al-Jandi from Hebron, attacked the soldier with scissors and lightly wounded him, and then took the weapon the soldier was carrying and fled the scene.

Another person was injured as well. Both were treated by medics at the scene

Security forces who arrived on the scene located the terrorist in a nearby building and eliminated him, reportedly after he shot at them. None of the officers were wounded.

This attack came just hours after a Palestinian female terrorist stabbed an Israeli in Jerusalem, moderately wounding him. The victim was able to draw his weapon and shoot the terrorist, critically wounding her.

Police forces storm the building the terrorist fled to: 


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was slated to travel to Germany on Thursday for an official visit, but canceled his trip following the endless wave of Palestinian terror attacks.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel