(AP/Majdi Mohammed)

Palestinian terrorists, incited by the Palestinian Authority’s constant anti-Israel propaganda, are relentless in their near-daily attacks on IDF forces and Israeli civilians. 

A Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab IDF soldiers at a security checkpoint at the Hatmar Junction in Samaria on Sunday.

He was shot and killed by the troops during the attempted attack.

“A Palestinian assailant drew a knife and attempted to stab soldiers securing the area. The force responded and fired toward the attacker,” an IDF spokesperson stated.

No Israelis were harmed in the attack.

The Hatmar Junction, a central point in Samaria just south of Shechem (Nablus), has been the site of multiple Palestinian terror attacks,

This incident was the latest in a long series of almost daily Palestinian terror attacks, which have plagued Israelis over the course of the past four months, claiming the lives of 28 victims and wounding over 280.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel