Sraya Diamant/Flash90
Tapuah Junction

No injuries were reported, and the military launched a manhunt for the perpetrators.


Palestinian terrorists opened fire on a bus carrying Israeli civilians in Samaria late Wednesday night.

No injuries were reported, but the vehicle sustained damage, the Israel Defense Forces said.

The attack took place between the Tapuach Junction and the community of Migdalim, and troops were deployed to search for the perpetrators, the army said.

Earlier Wednesday, Israeli security personnel apprehended the terrorist who shot and moderately wounded two haredi Jews in Jerusalem’s Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood the previous day. The Palestinian attacker was caught during a raid in the Samarian city of Nablus (biblical Shechem) that included the IDF, Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) and the Border Police’s Yamam counterterrorism unit.

On Tuesday, Israeli forces arrested three Islamic Jihad operatives in Jenin in northern Samaria. The terrorists—Aa Kareem Ala Adin Ibrahim Ahmad, Ahmad Muhammad Ahmad Jaradat and Amjad Muhammad Ahmad Jaradat—were taken for questioning by the Shin Bet.