(Fars news)

Hammond Zarif Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif (R) and British Foreign Secretary Hammond in Tehran. (AP/Ebrahim Noroozi)

Despite British attempts to depict a new and bright future with Iran, Tehran clarifies that its policy to annihilate the Jewish state has not changed.

Iran’s aspirations to annihilate Israel have not diminished and its hostile policies towards the Jewish State will persist, a senior Iranian official stated Tuesday.

Hossein Sheikholeslam, the Iranian Parliament Speaker’s Adviser for International Affairs, said Tehran’s positions against Israel “have not changed at all.”

“Our positions against the usurper Zionist regime have not changed at all; Israel should be annihilated and this is our ultimate slogan,” Sheikholeslam told the Iranian Fars news agency.

Sheikholeslam made his statement in response to British Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond’s claim earlier this week that Iran had adopted a “nuanced” attitude toward Israel – a comment which the Iranian official blasted as “interfering remarks.”

After reopening the British embassy in Tehran on Sunday following four years of strained relations between the two countries, Hammond claimed in an interview with the British media that the current Iranian government had taken a more nuanced approach than its predecessor to the long-running conflict with Israel.

Hammond also remarked during a meeting with Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani on Monday that the “past hostilities should be forgotten,” but Sheikholeslam said that Tehran will “never forget the past and Britain’s colonialist moves.”

Relations between Iran and Britain hit an all-time low in November 2011, when the two countries shut down their diplomatic missions and the British diplomats left the Islamic Republic after a mob assaulted their embassy.

The UK hastily reopened its mission in Tehran on Sunday in wake of the nuclear accord signed with Iran, amid expressions of hostility and anger by the Iranians.

Hammond attempted to color the event in glowing and positive colors, talking about a new and bright future shared by the British and the Iranians, but his sentiments were not shared by the Iranians.

By: United with Israel Staff

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