(Ebrahim Noroozi/AP)

Unlike the citizens of Iran, the majority of Americans would oppose the Iran nuclear deal if given a chance to vote on it, a recent poll indicates.

In the most recent Fox News national poll, a majority of Americans said they would oppose the nuclear deal with Iran if it were up to them.

Asked to imagine they were lawmakers participating in the upcoming vote on the deal on September 17, 58 percent said they would reject it and 31 percent would approve.

Asked whether Iran could be trusted to abide by the agreement, a whopping majority – 75 percent – said no, while 18 percent said yes and six percent did not know.

Senator Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, recently announced his opposition to the deal, which was seen as a blow to President Barack Obama. Among the respondents, 76 percent said Schumer’s position did not influence their judgment; 13 percent said they were “less favorable’ to the deal as a result, while seven percent said it made no difference and three percent did not know.

The poll, conducted August 11-13 among 1,008 registered voters by phone, has a margin of error of plus/minus three percentage points.

By: United with Israel Staff

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