Arab-Israeli dancer Ayman Safiah

To demonize Israel with false accusations of discrimination, activists shamefully lied about the massive search for an Arab-Israeli dance star who tragically drowned.

By United with Israel Staff

Ayman Safiah was a bright young star in the Israeli dance world.

The young Arab-Israeli performer studied at an academy in northern Israel and was at the beginning of a promising career in the arts when he went missing this week, sparking a massive search by Israeli police and volunteers from both Jewish and Arab communities.

Safiah’s body was found and authorities suspect he drowned.

Almost immediately, despicable anti-Israel sites began trying to exploit the story to demonize the Jewish state by portraying a false version of Israeli society rife with ethnic and religious discrimination.

According to shameless liars at the misleadingly named Quds News Network, “Israeli authorities spent almost no time or resources searching for him.”

Meanwhile, the pro-terror Palestinian United Resistance Front falsely made the same claim, adding that Safiah was treated this way “simply because he’s not Jewish.”

This ridiculous fake news couldn’t be further from the truth, and the popular Israeli site Israellycool blew the lid off this latest anti-Israel blood libel.

In reality, Israel Police “invest[ed] the best operational forces, resources and technological capabilities to find the missing person,” with “searches carried out in the air using a helicopter and drones as well as at sea and by divers, and along beaches in the area,” explained an official statement

Jewish and Arab volunteers also took part in the search.

Israellycool noted that even the anti-Zionist Ayman Odeh, an Arab Knesset member who consistently criticizes Israel, tweeted that “the hundreds of Arab and Jewish volunteers [who] arrived to support Safiah’s family prove that his spirit is still with us.”